Whether you are transporting gas, milk or chemicals your tanker truck should be safely and effectively cleaned. This may seem like a challenging task but it does not have to be. Here are three reasons why Lechler’s 5TM high impact nozzle and engineered mounting bracket will help you overcome these challenges.
Employee safety should be a top priority; manually cleaning your tanker truck can lead to a large number of injuries. When an employee enters the tank, they run the risk of slipping and falling, suffocation or becoming exposed to toxic liquids or gases. In order to avoid these issues, consider automating your cleaning processes for a safer work environment.
Generally tanker trucks only have one opening, the manway, in the middle of the tanker. If there are other openings, they are usually too small for a nozzle to perform proper cleaning. Even if they were big enough, often times the operator cannot physically get to each end of the tanker to insert a nozzle. Ladders are occasionally used to get to the manway in the center but it is very dangerous to walk to the ends. The 5TM can be easily inserted and removed through the manway, eliminating the need for manually cleaning.
If your process is automated and your bulkheads are still not properly cleaned it could be due to how your tank nozzle is mounted. In the image below we show the spray pattern of a standard solution to bulk head cleaning. The nozzle is placed vertically within the tank, and as you can see from the spray patterns most of the coverage is the located at the top and bottom rather than the bulkheads. The issue with this standard cleaning solution is that while the spray is reaching the bulkheads, the impact isn’t great enough to properly remove tough soil.
Our engineers have developed a special mounting bracket for our high impact 5TM tank cleaning nozzle which allows the nozzle to be inserted horizontally. The image below displays the new spray pattern which has a great advantage. The spray converges at the bulkheads and is able to hit them twice as often allowing for superior cleaning with less water wasted on the midsection. The durable 5TM has a light weight design with powerful solid jet sprays which are ideal for very large tanks requiring the toughest cleaning tasks.