Mining operations are demanding and dangerous for workers. They use equipment to drill, blast, extract, mill, and move materials and natural resources around the site. However, these tasks create enormous amounts of debris and dust which can be harmful to the operation of equipment and the health of workers. Lechler offers mining dust control solutions to minimize airborne particles that can clog equipment and become inhaled by workers.
Mining dust control solutions focus on three methods: suppression, elimination, and redirection of dust particles. Spray nozzles will be placed in specific locations on operating equipment to wet the rock surfaces to prevent dust from getting into the air, help redirect the dust away from the equipment operator, and to remove it from the workspace.
Some key considerations when considering spray nozzles for wetting equipment will depend on the type of liquid that will be expelled from the nozzle, such as plain water, water with surfactants, foams, or binders. It will also depend on the droplet sizes, if you will be working with high-pressure or low-pressure flow rates, and whether compressed air will be available for air atomization.
Another aspect to consider is the spray nozzle pattern. Some spray nozzle patterns work better at dust suppression, while others work towards dust prevention.
There are multiple choices for spray nozzle types based on spray pattern and style. When looking at spray nozzles, consider where they will be placed and the type of droplet sizes that will be produced.
Hydraulic fine spray and air atomizing nozzles produce small droplets as they are typically used for dust suppression and dust prevention. These nozzles are commonly placed on jaw crushers, load terminals, transfer points, and primary load hopper applications.
Flat spray nozzles can produce small to medium spray patterns while full cone spray nozzles produce medium to large droplet sizes. Both nozzles work well with dust suppression systems. Flat nozzles are commonly found on stockpiles and full cone nozzles can be placed on reclaimer and transfer points.
Hollow cone sprays also produce small droplets and are installed at transfer points, jaw crushers, and transport areas. They work for dust prevention and airborne dust suppression.
Wet systems will depend on the placement of the nozzles and what control method will be employed. Worksite dust suppression systems are installed on utility vehicles and work trucks as the nozzles spray water along the dirt surface to prevent tires from kicking the dust up into the air.
Conveyor and conveyor transform wet systems are designed to wet the materials placed onto conveyor belts. These systems prevent dust from being transferred from one work process to another as the material moves around the worksite. Area dust control systems work to push airborne dust down to the ground as they provide greater areas of coverage.
When it comes to mining dust control solutions, there are many spray nozzle options available to fit your operations. Contact Lechler for more information.