In order to be competitive in today’s market, you have to constantly improve your production processes. The processes in the chemical industry are extremely complex and interdependent, each adjustment extends far beyond its immediate scope. Lechler offers a wide product range, including chemical spray nozzles and more, for the optimization of technical processes. Our engineering experts understand the atomization process and we can help with a wide range of applications at various pressures, temperatures and atmospheres. Learn more.
Precise or broad coverage – Lechler has spray solutions that perfectly support your processes at any point.
All nozzle aspects must be precisely defined for maximum precision. Whether they are for intense heat, high pressure or corrosive agents. We have nozzle spray patterns that perfectly match your process requirements.
The variety of different products produced and processed by the chemical industry is enormous. The same is true for the involved processes. Most of them are widely used and well understood. Others were specially developed and require extreme ambient conditions, occasionally customized to single reaction vessels. Lechler supplies you in both areas with state-of-the-art nozzles and spray technologies.